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“The key distinction is between faith and dogma” IRSHAD MANJI, NYU PROFESSOR AND AUTHOR OF THE TROUBLE WITH ISLAM Whether terrorism has a religion is actually not the question. The question is what choices any of us make in religion’s name. The Hindu fanatic who assassinated Gandhiji, that Hindu chose hate; the Sikh fundamentalists who blew up the Air-India flight that killed hundreds of my fellow Canadians, those Sikhs chose hate. And Mohammed Sidique Khan, the ringleader of the July 27 bombings in London, he chose hate. He chose hate in the name of religion, in the name of Islam. Misguided, yes! But it would be a lie to say that religion has nothing to do with any of these terrorist attacks that I just listed. Clearly terror has no particular religion but it’s worth knowing that all terror, at least, has one common denominator: dogma. An uncritical, unchallenging, unquestioning approach that turns philosophies into orthodoxy. The crucial and hopeful distinction to be made here is between faith and dogma.
 (From left) Madani, senior journalist and session chairperson M.J. Akbar, Manji and Gurumurthy Faith, it seems to me, is secure enough to handle questions. It never needs to be threatened by questions. Dogma, on the other hand, is always threatened by questions because by definition, it is rigid and brutal and it collapses under the spotlight of scrutiny and therefore, in my humble view, dogma deserves to be threatened by questions. I take this distinction of faith versus dogma seriously. Another crucial distinction is education vs indoctrination. Education, in an open society like ours or here in India, gives you the permission to use your mind critically.
Indoctrination, which is what you find in closed societies, squelches the permission to use your mind critically. By selfstudy, I came to understand so many of the positive dimensions of Islam, including the concept of independent thinking, debate and dissent. There is a desperate hunger among younger Muslims to engage in reinterpretation to make a humane and reasonable Islam in a pluralistic 21st century context. Just as terrorism takes inspiration from religious dogma, so the opposite of terror—individual liberty and dignity—can take strength from the better angels of the faith. We can choose hate, or we can choose love. We can choose fear, or we can choose freedom. We can choose dogma, or we can choose faith. “There is certainly a religious angle to terror” S. GURUMURTHY, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR
All religions are sacred for their respective followers. A religion which contravenes this principle has the potential for causing problems like the terror that we see today. It never distinguishes between the combatant and non-combatant. Human beings have violence stored in them in varying degrees in their DNA. That is why the religions, that is why the spiritual masters came up all over the world to restrain, contain and moderate this violent implication in man. And the question is whether a religion has a demonstrable capacity to restrain violence by individuals. When individuals collectivise themselves, it becomes collective violence. So religion, according to me, is definitely a restraining factor and whether religion performs this job depends upon the propensity of the religion, historicity of that religion and its basic principles and more important, its attitude towards other religions. If a religion has a proper attitude towards other religions, then there is no scope for clash.